
Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder with insomnia and mood swings

Henri Matisse ‘La Danse’ 1910

‘I am a business executive who has paid far too little attention to my mental health. For instance, for years I had been facing the symptoms of an anxiety disorder such as insomnia, mood swings, … Symptoms that kept getting worse. The step to psychological help was not an obvious one but one of the better decisions in my life. Having already consulted two coaches, my trust in them had completely disappeared.  At the suggestion of one of the confidants in my neighbourhood, I finally ended up with Piet. Piet takes a very pragmatic approach based on proven techniques. From our conversations, it is clear that he has extensive knowledge and experience. Our conversations have made me reflect on my thoughts, emotions and behaviour. I also make time for meditation every day. All this has made me mentally much more relaxed, more energetic and a more pleasant person to be around. The therapy has given me a lot of insight into myself and those around me. The fact that I now better understand my own and others’ behaviour have also made it easier for me to let go and deal with difficult situations. I have begun to view and interpret my thoughts, fantasies and beliefs about events differently. Piet has taught me how to turn negative feelings into more positive ones and to have a more objective view of events. By being mentally stronger in life, my physical complaints such as insomnia and headaches have also greatly decreased.’

Matisse La Danse 1910

‘I am a business executive who has paid far too little attention to my mental health. For instance, for years I had been facing the symptoms of an anxiety disorder such as insomnia, mood swings, … Symptoms that kept getting worse. The step to psychological help was not an obvious one but one of the better decisions in my life. Having already consulted two coaches, my trust in them had completely disappeared.  At the suggestion of one of the confidants in my neighbourhood, I finally ended up with Piet. Piet takes a very pragmatic approach based on proven techniques. From our conversations, it is clear that he has extensive knowledge and experience. Our conversations have made me reflect on my thoughts, emotions and behaviour. I also make time for meditation every day. All this has made me mentally much more relaxed, more energetic and a more pleasant person to be around. The therapy has given me a lot of insight into myself and those around me. The fact that I now better understand my own and others’ behaviour have also made it easier for me to let go and deal with difficult situations. I have begun to view and interpret my thoughts, fantasies and beliefs about events differently. Piet has taught me how to turn negative feelings into more positive ones and to have a more objective view of events. By being mentally stronger in life, my physical complaints such as insomnia and headaches have also greatly decreased.’


Obsessive compulsive disorder

James Abbott Mcneill Whistler ‘Harmony in blue and silver’ 1865

‘Piet’s approach has proved extremely valuable to me as a patient. Since early childhood, I have suffered from generalised anxiety disorder, ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’ (OCD) and insomnia. Since my thirties, I also developed obesity resulting in additional health problems.

Dr. Calcoen, Piet, not only worked with me to find the cause of these problems in my childhood, he also took a very solution-oriented approach and developed a far-reaching plan of action that manifested itself in several areas of my life. I was given ‘homework’, assignments, books to read…but also focused instructions, based on his multi-faceted knowledge in the medical, philosophical and spiritual fields. His approach is reasoned, confrontational and knowledgeable.

Under his guidance, I lost 10 kilos and, after a year of ‘stagnation’, another 18 kilos by changing my thoughts and behavioural patterns. I learnt to curb my fears by following his instructions based on ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ (CBT). By following his therapy, I was able to continue my professional life and my family life. This doctor helps his patients find inner resilience and tap into unexpected mental strength. I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his skillful counselling that has made a difference for me.’

James Abott Mcneill Whistler 'Harmony in blue and silver' 1865

‘Piet’s approach has proved extremely valuable to me as a patient. Since early childhood, I have suffered from generalised anxiety disorder, ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’ (OCD) and insomnia. Since my thirties, I also developed obesity resulting in additional health problems.

Dr. Calcoen, Piet, not only worked with me to find the cause of these problems in my childhood, he also took a very solution-oriented approach and developed a far-reaching plan of action that manifested itself in several areas of my life. I was given ‘homework’, assignments, books to read…but also focused instructions, based on his multi-faceted knowledge in the medical, philosophical and spiritual fields. His approach is reasoned, confrontational and knowledgeable.

Under his guidance, I lost 10 kilos and, after a year of ‘stagnation’, another 18 kilos by changing my thoughts and behavioural patterns. I learnt to curb my fears by following his instructions based on ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ (CBT). By following his therapy, I was able to continue my professional life and my family life. This doctor helps his patients find inner resilience and tap into unexpected mental strength. I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his skillful counselling that has made a difference for me.’

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety

Albrecht Dürer ‘The large piece of turf’ 1503

‘As a patient of dr. Calcoen, I can offer nothing but praise for the way he counsels people struggling with mental health problems.

Initially, because I had long suffered from a sense of shame, the psychological threshold for asking for help for my problems was (too) high. Five years ago, after much hesitation, I took that step and sought help from three so-called ‘specialists’. But to no avail: a big disillusionment.

A few months ago, on the recommendation of someone in my circle of friends, I came to see dr. Calcoen: a true revelation.

From the very beginning, it was clear to me that I had finally found the healthcare provider who would really help me … A step I have not regretted for a moment. His multidisciplinary vision hit the nail on the head and paid off. I can highly recommend dr. Calcoen’s humane and understanding approach to fellow sufferers who, like me, struggle with depression and anxiety. Because sitting idly by is not an option. Just do it I would say.’

Albrecht Dürer 'The large piece of turf' 1503

‘As a patient of dr. Calcoen, I can offer nothing but praise for the way he counsels people struggling with mental health problems.

Initially, because I had long suffered from a sense of shame, the psychological threshold for asking for help for my problems was (too) high. Five years ago, after much hesitation, I took that step and sought help from three so-called ‘specialists’. But to no avail: a big disillusionment.

A few months ago, on the recommendation of someone in my circle of friends, I came to see dr. Calcoen: a true revelation.

From the very beginning, it was clear to me that I had finally found the healthcare provider who would really help me … A step I have not regretted for a moment. His multidisciplinary vision hit the nail on the head and paid off. I can highly recommend dr. Calcoen’s humane and understanding approach to fellow sufferers who, like me, struggle with depression and anxiety. Because sitting idly by is not an option. Just do it I would say.’